Incorporated in 1984, under the Societies Registration Act of I860, PMA is one of the 62 Local Management Associations in India, affiliated to All India Management Association, the apex body of professional managers in the Country.
The main objective of the Association is to promote and develop education in scientific management and Association believes that 'Managerial Effectiveness is the KEY TO PRODUCTIVITY'. PMA has been striving to contribute to attain higher managerial effectiveness, by conducting programmmes such as:
Discussion Sessions on topics of current managerial interest; more than 320 such sessions were held, in the past.
Short term seminars / workshops on managerial practices for supervisors, line managers, functional managers and entrepreneurial managers to further managerial effectiveness; 1300 personnel were covered in 7200 hours of contact sessions during the last 25 years.
Entrepreneurial development programmes & Entrepreneur awareness Programmes sponsored by Director of Industries & Commerce, Govt. of Kerala- around 500 candidate covered so far.
Training programmes for Self Employment, under Prime Minister's Rozgar Yojana, a Govt. of Indian Scheme, under which the self employed gets a loan upto Rs.2 Lakh, without security-1000 candidates trained so far.
PMA has been publishing a quarterly Management Development Journal titled 'Organisational Management' since 1984; which is recognized in academics for publication of Pre-Ph.D papers; by good number of Universities. The Association also brings out a monthly News Letter.

PMA has a Management Library of around 2100 books and subscribes for more than 15 management journals, including HBR.
PMA has its own building, Management House, and the MBA classes & other Training Programmes are conducted in the Management
House, having around 7500 sq.ft. built up area; with computer facilities and Educational aids, including internet
Click here to view Office Bearers
Trustees Of FDN
Prof. C. Somasekharan
Past President
Sri. K.S. Mani
Past President
Adv. Premenath. P
International Trainer