Work Life Balance through Holistic Approach of Stress Management and Positivity

Oct-23rd , 2017

The One Day Session  on WORK-LIFE BALANCE by Dr.R K Singh (Corporate Trainer) was highly useful for managers and executives in the present day high stress environment. He started with the topic of understanding stress. Since stress is developed as per our response or reaction to the situations, the level of stress varies from person to person even in the same environment. This itself shows that Stress is controllable with our attitudes.
A positive attitude is the most important aspect in overcoming stress. We should learn to live in present and enjoy our work. The regrets of the past and anxieties of the future will drain our energy and this will cause insufficient focus to our duties at present. Doing our duties  without  thinking about the financial benefits is very important for efficient execution of our work.
He also explained about accepting life as it reaches you without any complaints. We should  be knowledgeable  about all levels of our existence, ie physical , mental & spiritual . We should be aware of the wonderful functioning of our body and should be thankful to the creator for such a wonder. The unlimited power of human being can be utilized only by a stress-free, peaceful existence. The western universities are promoting the techniques from Indian traditions to manage the stress and live a peaceful life. The Yoga and Meditation techniques helps us to control stress and live a peaceful and efficient life.
He also demonstrated an exercise on power of the mind using a key and string. All the participants successfully followed the exercise which deepened the faith in the untapped powers of human mind.
Feed back in writing (no. of participants responded: 45)
Programme   coverage  & Excellent   : 13 %
(Presentation of Faculty) Very Good   : 47%
                                                Good    : 40%